ACO ONTARIO BY-LAW – Revised June 2023 The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario Inc. is the legal corporate entity of the organization. Branches of the Corporation benefit from ACO’s not-for-profit corporate charity status and coordination of province-wide activities and communication

See s.7 specifically that sets out the responsibilities of Branches under the ACO Ontario By-Law


ACO ONTARIO GOVERNANCE HANDBOOK Deals with the governance of ACO Ontario and its provisions for the establishment and approval of regional branches.

See specifically S 7


ACO POLICY MANUAL 2024 Contains all the Policies approved by the ACO Board of Directors. The Policy Manual, in its entirety, governs the operations of ACO, its branches and members


CODE OF CONDUCT Find the policy in the ACO Manual’s table of contents and go to that page number.
CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS POLICY Note: Compliance ACO is determined to be an ethical organization. All members and volunteers must read and certify that they have read this Code and it must be included in the orientation program for new Board and Branch members and volunteers.

Note privacy requirements.

MEMBERSHIP POLICY Note: To help ensure that ACO maintains the financial and administrative oversight necessary to safeguard ACO’s charitable status, while at the same time supporting local educational and advocacy work, membership fees will be shared between the member’s local branch and the Provincial Office. The first $18 of each individual membership fee paid to a local branch will be retained by the branch, the rest will be transferred to the Provincial Office.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY Note: ACO ON provides liability insurance for Branch and member sponsored events which help fulfill ACO’s objects or benefit ACO

Defines conflict-of-interest in the conduct of Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Branch Members and provides guidance to prevent actual conflicts-of-interest and manage the perception of conflict-of-interest

DONATIONS POLICY This policy states the principles and process guidelines for ACO acceptance, processing and receipting of donations.
INVESTMENT POLICY This policy presents the investment guidelines for ACO and ACO branches. It is a framework for making investment decisions and applying controls for approval of investments and investment limits

Note: Duty to Invest: Directors of charitable corporations and trustees of charitable trusts are responsible for the assets of the charities they manage. They have a duty to manage the funds responsibly. This includes investing funds not immediately needed to carry out the charity’s purposes. Trustees Act.

GRANTS MANAGEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES This policy presents guidelines for ACO and ACO branches. It is a framework for making grant decisions and applying controls for approval of grants

Note:  Can be from Branch funds – checklist for applications provided.

FINANCIAL POLICY This Finance Policy and accompanying procedures describes the

financial management and controls practiced by ACO to protect its assets, ensure prudent use of funds and alignment with ACO’s mission. This Policy is to be reviewed every two years.

Note: sections 22 to 33 address policies that apply to ACO Branches, including the roles of Branch Representatives and Treasurers.

ACO BRANCH HANDBOOK – 2021 The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario Inc. is the legal corporate entity of the organization. Branches of the Corporation benefit from ACO’s not-for-profit corporate charity status and coordination of province-wide activities and communication

See s.7 specifically that sets out the responsibilities of Branches under the ACO Ontario By-Law


OTHER ACO ONTARIO RESOURCES More information and guidelines can be found on the ACO Ontario website under “Resources”. ACO SITE